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The MODALOHR wagons

The MODALOHR wagon makes it possible to transport standard 4 m high road semi-trailers on the main European lines with a minimum gauge of UIC GB1 without any modification to the existing infrastructure.

Wagon architecture

The MODALOHR wagon is suitable for existing railway infrastructures and standard road equipment. It has benefitted from significant improvements and innovations to enable it to travel on all the freight corridors in the European Network, due to the TEN (Trans-European Network) marking.

Wagon designed for the transport of standard semi-trailers:

A simple wagon

No engine or cylinders embarked on the wagon. Rotation of the pocket performed by ground equipment at the terminal. Thanks to this architecture, the maintenance cost is comparable to that of a conventional wagon and the MODALOHR system offers a high level of reliability that has been proven in intensive commercial operations since 2003.

3-axle double wagon

“At an angle” opening of wagon pockets

Types of wagon

The 3 types of LOHR UIC wagon :

LOHR UIC 1 end wagon
LOHR UIC 3 individual wagon
LOHR UIC 2 intermediate wagon

Types of load

Possible user scenarios :

Semi-trailer tanker
Car carrier
Road tractor

Technical characteristics

Wagon typeExtremity wagonIntermediate wagonIndividual wagon
Coupling type end 1Standard coupling with buffersCoupling barStandard coupling with buffers
Coupling type end 2Coupling barCoupling barStandard coupling with buffers
Total length33,87 m32,94 m34,80 m
Unloaded weight41,7 t40,7 t42,7 t
Payload75,3 t76,3 t77,3 t
Maximum load per semi-trailer38 t38 t38 t
Minimum turning radius135 m135 m135 m
Low gaugeUIC 505-1 – GIC2 (EN 15273-1)UIC 505-1 – GIC2 (EN 15273-1)UIC 505-1 – GIC2 (EN 15273-1)
Maximum floor height compared with the rail225 mm225 mm225 mm
Min-max height of the semi-trailer kingpin870 – 1170 mm870 – 1170 mm870 – 1170 mm

Gauge performance

  • Gauge performance for the LOHR UIC wagon in France: with a loading floor at a maximum height of 225 mm in relation to the rail, the LOHR UIC wagon enables standard 4 m high semi-trailers to be transported on the AFM 423 (GB1 + 3 cm) gauge without exceeding the low UIC gauge
  • Gauge performance for the LOHR UIC wagon in Switzerland: The LOHR UIC wagon is the only wagon enabling 4 m semi-trailers to be transported on the gauge of the current Gothard line
  • Gauge performance for the LOHR UIC wagon in Europe: the LOHR UIC wagon enables standard 4 m high semi-trailers to be transported on P390-coded lines, standard 4.10 m high semi-trailers on P400-coded lines and standard 4.20 m high semi-trailers on P410-coded lines.

Compatibility with Combined Transport Terminals

LOHR UIC wagons have also been designed to allow as well vertical loading of clamp-on semi-trailers at a conventional Combined Transport terminal.

Reliability and low maintenance costs

Proven operation in severe weather conditions (heatwave, snow). Proven operation in difficult operating conditions, especially on the Alpine rail motorway. Each train makes 4 to 5 journeys a day on a difficult mountain line (steep gradients, low radius curves and counter-curves).

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The MODALOHR system

The innovation comes from a simple idea: to put trucks on rails to save on long transit journeys and to overcome the obstacles placed on the road by men and nature.

The MODALOHR system terminals

The LOHR system incorporates simple transfer terminals of different lengths with ground systems to enable wagons to be opened "at an angle".

References and Projects

Since 2003 and the commercial deployment of several railroad lines highways, LOHR Railway System has proven its reliability and performance in real operating conditions and has become a reference system for road-rail modal shift.